Purim Megillah Reading
Heyooo, time to retell the (whole) story of Esther, Mordecai, and Hama—BOOOOOOO at the centre. Graggers provided ;) RSVP and let us know if you can make it
Back to Bermuda Potluck Shabbat
Welcome to 2025, friends! Join us for Potluck Shabbat and let’s catch up. RSVP and let us know what you are bringing :)
Candle lighting and Potluck Shabbat
Chanukah is (finally) here; let’s light the lights together and have a little potluck Shabbat while we are at it.
Community Candle Lighting
So, Hanukah is starting rather late this year but we want to make sure we have our community candle lighting event before people leave for break. Plus it’s a Shabbat so this is basically a two-fer. Come join for latkes, gelt, light and community love.
Mitzvah Dayyyy
Every year our community registers for and participates in Mitzvah Day. In their own words, “Guided by the Jewish values of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), Gemilut Chasadim (acts of kindness) and Tzedek (justice), our vision is of Jews and non-Jews coming together to build more cohesive neighbourhoods and to strengthen civil society.
Bagel Brunch
Bagel Brunch! Come join us for a delish bagel deli spread. 🥯 RSVP so we buy enough lox
Potluck Shabbat
A classic JCB event, perhaps the cornerstone of our community events. Help us bring in Shabbat with a meal of, for, and by the community. RSVP and let us know what you will be bringing.
Yom Kippur Family Service
Time tbd, this service helps the children understand the meaning and importance of the day with song and prayer
Yom Kippur services
Join us for prayer, meditation and reflection on the holiest day of the year. Services begin at 8:30 and break in early afternoon. We resume at night for Neilah and break fast.
Yom Kippur Kol Nidre service
Join us for the opening prayers for the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur.
October 7th Memorial
It’s been a year since the devastating terrorist attacks on innocent civilians, the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and the subsequent year of a multi front war. We remember not only those who were murdered, but we also honor the brave soldiers who died protecting and defending Israel and her people. This tragedy reminds us of the frailty of Israel’s existence, but also of the strength and resilience of Jews worldwide. Please join us as we gather together to fulfill the responsibility of remembering.
Rosh Hashanah services
Join us for the Rosh Hashanah services with catered lunch. Please RSVP so we order enough.
Erev Rosh Hashanah service
The high holidays are upon us. Join us for the evening service. Please RSVP for the meal.
Meet Rabbi David Happy Hour
Welcome back to Bermuda, Rabbi David and Marla! Can’t wait to see you and say hi.
Yom Kippur services
Services begin at 9, break in early afternoon and resume in evening for Neilah. Join us for prayer, meditation and reflection on this most holy day.
Welcome Back Bagel Breakfast
Thank you to the Champion family for generously sponsoring this event! Join us so we can say: Welcome back! We’ve missed you? How was your summer? <hugs and happiness> hope to see you and your fam there. RSVP HERE
Time for the Annual General Meeting! All community members welcome to join us and give feedback while nibbling on a deluxe cheese board <hair flip>
Shavuot Ice Cream Party
<ice cream truck music> I scream; you scream, we all scream for Shavuot! (and ice cream)
RSVP so we don’t run out of sprinkles, hot fudge and waffle cones ;)
Shavuot Study Session with Sushi
Adult learning opportunity! Our beloved Rabbi Meyer is going to zoom in and teach us a bit about Shavuot and we will eat some dins while we learn. RSVP
Lag B'Omer Bonfire
Bonfire on the beach! Join us for pizza, bevvies, s’mores, games and good times.
Yom Hashoah
Holocaust Remembrance Day event to commemorate the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust
Passover Seder
Join us for the retelling of the Exodus at our second home, the Dinghy Club aka Temple Bet Dinghy. RSVP a must
Potluck Shabbat
Post-spring break Potluck Shabbat at the Centre! Let’s bring in Shabbat and catch up :)
Megillah Reading
Time for the book of Estherrrr! <airhorn sound>
Megillah reading at the centre, BYOG (Bring Your Own Gragger but don’t worry we will also have extras)
🚨 Annual Purim party🚨
Kids come in costume (plus adults if they are feeling festive), hamantaschen to be served, and games and activities for kids. Plus to show some solidarity for our St. Patrick’s Day observing friends we might serve a pitcher or two of green beer. Like, why not? ;) RSVP a must.
Potluck Shabbat
Potluck Shabbat at the centre. We sing, we pray, we eat, and we chat. Family friendly. Join us!
Member Appreciation 🥰
Cocktails and lots of love for our wonderful, supportive membership! We love you, we’re grateful for you, and we wouldn’t be here without you! Let’s get together :)